God of Racing! You’re a Dominator!

Now, the country's reputation can be saved and Lou Yufei will never be able to be arrogant again!

If he gets the chance later, he will greet this God of Racing and thank the hell out of him!

As he thought about this, he heard a car engineer roar right by him. Then, the announcer shouted, "Qi Yuyang has been overtaken!"

Qi Yuyang, "..."

The announcer didn't stop there, "Gao Yiming had been overtaken… Chi Nie had been overtaken… Lou Yufei has been overtaken!"

"Right now, the God of Racing is the number one racer in this country. He's now… ah! Mi Ang has been overtaken as well! He's now in third! Let's guess whether or not the God of Racing can pass the first two in less than a minute!"

Just then, the screen reflected that Lin Xing had been overtaken!

Jun Yexuan and Qi Yusen stared deadly at the screen and at the car that seemed to be flying. The shock they felt was hard to describe.