From Today On, I Will be Your Martial Arts Master

Zhang Yuanyuan froze, "Qiao Qing didn't sign up though."

"You don't need to tell me that for me to know." Lou Yufei said, "But, as long as we think she signed up, then it becomes a fact that she signed up."

Zhang Yuanyuan was still confused, "So why would you teach her ancient martial art? She also stole a portion of your fans because of her identity as the God of Racing. If you teach her martial arts too then…"

"What do you know?" Lou Yufei interrupted, "Why would I possibly actually teach her? I just want everyone to know that she tried to ask me to be her master. That will prove I'm always a level higher than her. Plus, once she's an apprentice of mine, I can crush her!"

Lou Yufei's eyes flashed with shadiness. 

Zhang Yuanyuan was still confused, "What if she doesn't come with you?"