How Do I Look Compared to Third Young Master Jun?

Qiao Qing heard this and when she lifted her head to see who it was, she was surprised. 

The man smiled, "What is it? Am I handsome? How do I look compared to third young master Jun?"

Luo Chen puked out the cabbage soup he just drank.

The man dodged it and didn't end up a victim of the projectile vomit.

Luo Chen picked up a napkin and wiped his mouth, "Where did this psycho come from? Why's he trying to flirt with our Qingqing?! Aren't you afraid that third young master Jun will chop you up?!"

The man grinned, "Who is she to you? How can you be so close to her and not be harmed by third young master Jun?"

Luo Chen, "..."

After a long while, he finally answered, "I'm her friend! Her male bestie! Why?!"