Let Me Tell You, it’s Over Between You and My Sister!

When they arrived at the most luxurious suite of the entire hotel, Qi Yusen became hesitant. 

The fury in his heart was building, but he didn't dare to imagine what he might see next. 

He definitely didn't want his girl to feel embarrassed.

Qi Yuyang had no idea why Qi Yusen changed his mind. He shouted, "AH, BROTHER! Why are you being so slow!?"

He grabbed the keycard from Qi Yusen's hand, tapped it, and rushed in.

Jun Yexuan heard some noise in his sleep and frowned slightly.

Just as he was about to open his eyes, he felt a gush of wind. Then, the blanket was lifted off of him.

He felt someone pull at his collar and then at once, he was lifted into the air.

"You bastard, I'm going to kill you!" Qi Yuyang swung his fist at Jun Yexuan's handsome face. 

Jun Yexuan's survival instinct kicked in and he blocked Qi Yuyang's fist. 

When he saw Qi Yuyang and Qi Yusen, he blanked out, "Brother?"