So What if I did it on Purpose?

After Chen Lan called out the number, she smiled at Jun Yexuan's group, "Please have a nice day!"

The group nodded and left.

Just then, Dai Yixin went up to the hostess with her number. 

Chen Lan checked her system and compared the number to the one in Dai Yixin's hand. Then she double-checked, "You're 93?"

Dai Yixin found this strange and nodded, "Yes."

Chen Lan grinned, "I'm sorry, Ms. Dai Yixin, right? You and your friend here have been blacklisted by our restaurant. Please eat elsewhere."

Dai Yixin's face turned dark. Su Yan, on the other hand, exploded, "Did you get that wrong? Why would you randomly blacklist us?!"

Chen Lan explained, "Why would we not blacklist people who have major character flaws, no common courtesy, and tries to intentionally harm our VIP's relationships? You think we'd ask them to spend New Year's with us instead?"