Everyone, How's the Show?!

"She's now 18 and only in her first year of university. What makes her different from the average joe? Oh, right."

She paused here, and in front of everyone's devouring gazes, she continued, "I heard she wrote some books… knows how to race and knows martial arts. But, other than those two books, did her IQ achieve anything?"

"It all doesn't matter if she doesn't have a high IQ. But she has the highest IQ here! What has she done with all that IQ? Did she eat it with her rice?"

Her words made everyone upset. 

Someone's brows turned vertical, "Who the hell are you? Why are you attacking our baby, Qiao? Is there something wrong with you?"

Someone covered their mouth and laughed, "She must be a single cell organism. So for someone with achievement, they must act like the person beside you, who can't stop talking about it non-stop?"