Answer My Two Questions, and I’ll Let You Go

Her stomach lurched and she asked, "As his son, why didn't you go to the hospital with him?"

"My dad has his personal doctor and nurses. He doesn't need a loyal son." Mu Jinghang said matter-of-factly, "However, if you, the person liable, escape, who would I go to then?"

Sang Wu, "..."

She gritted her teeth, then went back to her car to take out a piece of paper and a pen, "Give me your bank account and your cell. I am willing to pay for your father's medical bills."

Mu Jinghang raised an eyebrow, "Take a look at me. You think the Mu family needs money?!"

Sang Wu's eyes turned as round as bells, "Then what do you want from me!"

As the pair were stuck in a stalemate, Jun Yexuan dragged Qiao Qing and Qi Yusen away.

Mu Jinghang found Sang Wu's furious behaviors to be ridiculously cute. He pinched his chin, "I haven't thought it all the way through. You just aren't allowed to leave until my father is completely healed!"