Go to Sky Entertainment

When she saw the text, she took some time to digest it. When Jun Yexuan and Qi Yusen left for work, she asked Han Zhi to give her a ride. 

Once she was in the car, Han Zhi asked, "Miss, where are we going?"

Qiao Qing answered, "Sky Entertainment."

Han Zhi was startled. He wanted to ask why she was going there, but he remembered previous orders from Qi Yusen and stopped himself.

The car came to the parking lot near Sky Entertainment. Qiao Qing asked Han Zhi to stay and went to Sky Entertainment by herself. 

When she entered, all eyes were on her. 

At a place where actors and singers met up, a bare-faced Qiao Qing attracted all the eyeballs. 

Since Qiao Qing had been involved in many trending headlines, her face was no stranger to everyone here. 

Some people recognized her just by looking at her. Someone came up to her, uncertain, "Are you the God of Racing?"

Qiao Qing stopped her steps and cursed under her breath.