The Chase

In the end, Qiao Qing didn't even know how, but she ended up agreeing with those two. 

By the time she left Sky Entertainment, it was near dusk.

Qiao Qing sighed deeply then called Han Zhi.

When Han Zhi pulled over, Qiao Qing tried to get in. However, she caught sight of something nearby and her eyes widened. 

The person Qiao Qing had her eyes on felt tension and looked over. When that person noticed Qiao Qing, they immediately had a change of expression and got into a car.

Han Zhi didn't hear the expected door closing and turned to check out what was happening.

In the end, he saw nobody. However, instead, he heard noises from above his head. 

The following second, a gust of wind whooshed by his ear and the next thing he knew, he was being dragged by his collar and thrown into the front passenger seat. 

Then, Qiao Qing sat into the driver's seat and turned on the car.