Why is He Acting like He had Stepped on a Mine?

Jun Xiaoqi froze up, "Aren't you scared of it?"

Qiao Qing didn't answer and walked straight up to Qingqing.

At first, Qingqing was defensive but as Qiao Qing approached, the defensiveness left its body. For some reason, it just knew that this incomer was not easy to deal with and so it went to hide behind the butler.

Jun Xiaoqi and the butler exchanged glances. Both of them were in shock.

Qiao Qing had one hand in her pocket and with her other hand, she touched the tiger's head. Then, she leaned in and whispered something in its ear.

Right then, this scaredy-cat reacted as if it had finally found its owner! Gently, it rubbed itself against her legs and wagged its tail. Its face was full of affection and obedience.

Based on what Jun Xiaoqi and the butler knew about Qingqing, they knew it was truly being docile, and not just momentarily being oppressed. The shock value they felt increased.