The Year End Party

"Whether or not he is good enough, I chose him," Qiao Qing said, "Brothers, I hope you could respect my decision rather than give him a difficult time or hurt his pride as a man. After all, I don't necessarily need to live here."

Her words shook Jun Yexuan up. Qi Yusen and the others also appeared flustered.

Qiao Qing remained collected as she continued, "If I'm doing my math right, he's been with me the longest. Though he has the bad habit of getting jealous easily, he's been truly nice to me."

"I didn't grow up in the Qi family. Even if I do get admitted into the family, I don't believe the Qi family has the right to interfere with my marriage."

"As long as he does not betray me, I will not give up on him. He is very capable and very dazzling. He's good enough for me. He's only lowering his head in front of you because of me."