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Her words made everyone around her inhale deeply.

The celebrities in the front row appeared nervous. Some were even furious.

Celebrities were extremely sensitive towards cameras.

For the party, a professional camera crew was hired and private cameras were banned. This girl brought in a mini camera, which meant she had a purpose in coming here.

Bai Weiwei frowned and cursed silently. She had already warned this girl to watch out for those two yet she still got framed?

As she thought about it, she tightened her fist.

Lin Xiyan, who sat in the back, came a little bit later and didn't pay attention to what was happening until now. When she saw who it was, she jumped up, "Qingqing!"

She was about to run up there when Fu Xiuyu stopped her.

Lin Xiyan stared at him unhappily, "Qingqing is in trouble. Why are you pulling on me?!"