Dog Bites Dog

"You were the one who gave out orders! Plus, you've never liked the CEO and tried to stir up trouble many times against her. Everyone who worked on the first floor knows this! I helped you because you are my boss!"

"You…" Dai Yixin's face was green from fury, "You were the one who eagerly tried to kiss my butt in order to get more resources. You went against Qiao Qing far more publicly than me. Now that you found out she's the CEO, you're trying to switch sides? You think everyone here's an idiot and can't tell what you're doing?!"


The two fought back and forth for a long time. The crowd couldn't help but think…a dog was biting another dog. 

"Enough!" In the end, it was Gu Xinze who shouted for them to stop after he noticed Qiao Qing frown. "Are we here for the party or are we here to listen to you two fight?! One's a director, the other's a celebrity… are you trying to make Sky Entertainment look like a joke?!"