Who else? That’s our CEO!

"Brother Yang, there! There are two seats there!"

"What the hell! Didn't you say the event wasn't starting until an hour later?"

The person being yelled at chuckled, "I saw the time wrong."

"If I knew this was how it was going to be, I never would've come with you! You have ruined my image by making me look like a thief!

"Brother Yang, I was wrong. However, today's my first time performing since I entered the entertainment industry. You're also my best buddy. If you don't come…"

"Shush~" Qi Yuyang placed his index finger against his lips and interrupted him.

"What is it?" Ming Chong turned to ask Qi Yuyang in confusion.

"Why is that voice so familiar?" Qi Yuyang stood up and walked closer to the stage. When he saw Qiao Qing, he shuddered.

"Brother Yang, what's wrong?" Ming Chong followed his gaze and froze a little as well, "Why is Master Feng up on stage?"