Face Slapping

The HR rep froze and her expression turned ugly, "Are you here for an interview, or here for trouble?! I have no right to interview you? Then who does?"

Dai Yixin handed her her resume and scrunched her hair, "Do you not recognize me? I'm a Ph.D. graduate from London University. I was once the general manager for Company BA and a Director of Sky Entertainment. I'm also a member of the World Class IQ Club with an IQ score of 192."

"Back when I was interviewing at Sky Entertainment, the VP personally interviewed me. It is due to the Qi Corporation's reputation that I decided to recruit here. If CEO Qi does not personally interview me, it is only right that I am at least interviewed by an HR manager."

The HR rep froze for a second. She read over Dai Yixin's resume, took a good look at her, then announced in a serious tone, "Please wait here for a minute."

Then she left.