Straight Man Qi Yusen

To see such a beautiful view and to hear such a seductive voice, any ordinary man would not be able to stand still.

Qi Yusen was no ordinary man.

The way he stared at the woman that laid by his feet was like he was looking at an idiot.

Then, he lifted his leg and stepped over.



An Qu, "..."

An Qu was unable to comprehend this even after Qi Yusen had walked far away.

What kind of man was this guy?!

However, An Qu's lips curled up.

Originally, he was just a mission she was asked to tackle. But now, she was interested in him.

On the other side, Dai Yixin and Su Yan walked and laughed. It was as if laughing at others would make it easier to conceal their own embarrassment. 

Su Yan said, "That woman is hilarious. Just because she has a nice looking face, she thought she could seduce the CEO? That CEO's seen all sorts of women!"

Dai Yixin smiled and didn't speak.