I Found the National Hero

"You can delete him from your contact list and you can erase your recent call history. Why do you treat us like we are idiots?!"

Qi Yeli took out his handcuff and glanced at Mo Ran.

"It took us so much effort to find you. If you don't cooperate, we will have to use force!"

Dai Yixin looked at the handcuff and sighed, "I never should've made a call in public. But, third young master Qi, what do you want from me? I don't want to get famous and be bothered by the media."

Qi Yeli excitedly extended a hand, "Join the police force. Help get rid of evil for the citizens by contributing your power."

Dai Yixin wanted to decline but she wasn't sure how she could've gotten the bonus without going with him.

She said, "I was going to leave the country. I never considered joining the police force."

Qi Yeli freaked out when he heard she may be leaving, "You can think about it. I won't tell anyone your true identity."