Brother, let me tell you the Truth. I am the National Hero

In front of the TV, Jun Yexuan burst into laughter, "Does she look like a hero? Her fear is written all over her face!"

Qi Yuyang agreed, "Exactly! Something's weird about this!"

Luo Chen was on his phone, "I think so as well. Look at the comments, even other viewers are questioning this."

He then cursed, "Someone's saying that she's protecting those two from the back? Their rose glasses towards their idol is too much!"

Just then, Qi Yusen's cell rang. He picked up and after he heard what the other person said, he shot out of his chair.

Qiao Qing flipped out of her window, went around the garden, and planned on climbing over the wall. Just then, a cold but soft voice said, "What are you doing?"

Qiao Qing froze, turned her head, and dry chuckled, "Brother?"

Jun Yexuan's face was furious, "Did you even discuss with us before deciding to get yourself in danger?"

Qiao Qing, "... would a discussion make this negotiable?"