National Hero? More like a National Moron!

"What's wrong with her?! Why would she shoot at her own people?!"

"She must be a spy. Or that guy's accomplice! She's shooting at whoever's close to her!"

"Lol, you're thinking too highly of her! Look at her, she's not someone who knows how to use a gun! She's acting like a blind mouse who's just pulling the trigger at random. She wouldn't even be able to get close to the target."

"I agree. She wrongfully hurt a policeman. National hero? More like a national moron!"

"We've been lied to by that woman! She's no national hero! She's fake for sure!"


All the comments cursed at Dai Yixin.

After Dai Yixin hit Mo Ran, she dropped her gun due to fear, and then she hid behind a tree. 

All the police at the scene were disappointed and angry - especially Qi Yeli. 

He was the one who brought her here. It was also him who decided to spread the news that the national hero had been found.