Birthday Gift

Qiao Qing paused, "Why are you giving him a set of drawing tools?"

Luo Chen simply answered, "I think his hobby is drawing. The first time I went to his manor, I saw that he drew a portrait of you."

"The way he drew you was no amateur. If he never studied it, he must really enjoy it to be that good."

"With his status, I'm sure he doesn't lack anything. But this set of tools is well designed so I think it would be good to give this to him."

Qiao Qing was silent. If Luo Chen didn't bring that up, she would've forgotten about his drawing.

She thought of something and opened her mouth, "Why did you decide to give him a gift?"

Luo Chen scratched his head, "We've known each other for a while now. Even if we aren't friends, it's still polite to get him a gift."

Qiao Qing nodded, "You've known Jun Yexuan for longer. How come you didn't think to get him a gift?"

Luo Chen, "…"