What’s Yours will Come Back to You

"Oh my god! Isn't she the luckiest? I don't ask for too much. I just want one brother!"

"Lou Yufei is right. They can't be compared!"

Everyone shot Qiao Qing's a look as if trying to make a point.

Qi Chengyu tried to look where everyone else was looking but Chu Tian hurriedly blocked his sight. She then opened the car door, "Thank you, brother. Let's go."

After Qiao Qing got into her car, driver Han Zhi asked, "Miss, don't be sad. On the elders' 88th birthday, what's yours will come back to you. Nobody will be able to steal it away."

Qiao Qing, "…??"

Han Zhi had no idea Qiao Qing was confused. He sighed and continued, "It would be okay to introduce you to the family now, but the elder young master must have his own reason for wanting it done on the elders' birthday."