Big brother, Please Start Your Performance

Right before the Qi family's longing and hopeful stares, Qi Yusen calmly dropped the bomb. 

"I've found our youngest aunt. Our youngest aunt has a daughter, who's 18 this year."

Chu Tian's face looked grey at this point.

The Qi family, on the other hand, all appeared ecstatic. 

"Really? Where's our sister?! Hurry and take me to her!"

"I want to go as well!"

"Ah, big brother, hurry up and tell us!"

"Yusen, how come you didn't bring over my little sister and my niece?"

"Eldest, where's your sister? Bring her to me!"

"Number one…"

The amount of excitement displayed by the Qi family made everyone gasp.

It was no wonder they treated their adopted grandchild so well… They wanted a granddaughter so bad it was like they had a disease. 

Everyone could foresee that this blood-related granddaughter would be extremely spoiled by everyone.