A Damaging Attack for Someone with Face Blindness

He needed to hurry up and get back and take control of the situation.

Everyone who came congratulated him and began to leave. 

Mu Jianguo, who looked as pale as snow, walked up to Mu Jinghang, "Son, did you find my daughter-in-law and my grandson yet?!"

Mu Jinghang's face dropped, "Not yet."

"Aye, how come I gave birth to someone so useless? You can't even keep your own son and wife."

Mu Jianguo sighed and left disappointed.

Mu Jinghang, "..."

Jun Yexuan shot him a pitiful look and turned to leave as well.

Just then, Jun Yidan went up to him and asked nicely, "Third brother, can you take me to see my sister-in-law?"

When Jun Yexuan saw the affectionate look in Jun Yidan's eyes when she said "sister-in-law", and instantly frowned, "No!"

The family of Qi's going to see Qingqing had already made him feel unsettled.

This girl in front of him was now also trying to steal Qiao Qing away from him? How hateful!