Qingqing, what should I do?

Qiao Qing couldn't help but remember the demonstration Luo Chen showed her the other day. Her lips quivered.

After the two exited the gate, Qiao Qing said to Luo Chen, "You don't need to walk me out any further."

"O… okay." Luo Chen nodded blankly and stopped walking.

The moment Qiao Qing started to walk away, she felt someone grab her wrist. The next thing she knew, she was warmly embraced.

Luo Chen's voice was both hopeless and helpless, "Qingqing, what should I do?"

Qiao Qing was dumbfounded, "Your brother confessed to you?"

"In a sense, he did." Luo Chen said, "When I see him, I get scared."

Qiao Qing thought about it, "You don't feel that way about him?"

"How's that possible?!" Luo Chen shouted, "I'm straight! I like girls!"

Qiao Qing, "...Then why did you buy my brother a gift?"

Luo Chen, "..."