Young Master Qi has a Dark Heart




Another echo effect. 

Jun Yexuan's face turned as dark as the bottom of a pan. 

Mu Jinghang laughed, "What did Gong Yi say before? He said, you better never find yourself on his turf. So, third brother, are you going to accompany Qingqing or n… AH!"

Jun Yexuan kicked him hard. 

Qi Shengkuan's face looked a little sick, "My dearest granddaughter is leaving the country?!"

He wasn't done spoiling her!

Qi Yusen said, "That's up to her."

Jun Yexuan nervously shot Qiao Qing a look.

Qiao Qing took a second before she nodded, "I'm going."

Jun Yexuan, "..."

Qiao Qing patted his hand to comfort him.

Jun Yexuan was not at all comforted. 

Qi Chengyu said, "I will accompany my sister. After all, she's used to eating my cooking."

Qiao Qing, "..."

Qi Yusen glared at him, "You really think you're a professional chef? Don't forget what your actual job is."