I want to chat with Qingqing in Private

Mu Jinghang sympathetically shot his third brother a look.

It looked like Gong Yi was not going to back down during this trip. If he didn't kill his third brother, he was going to skin him.

Qiao Qing held onto Jun Yexuan's hand to comfort him. Jun Yexuan smiled at Gong Yi, "Young master Gong, have you not heard of the saying 'after joy comes sorrow'? The more arrogant you are now, the harder you'll fall later."

Gong Yi fixated his gaze on Jun Yexuan and Qiao Qing's intertwined hands and grinned deeper.

"I never imagine a future that is beautiful. I live in the moment."

He then extended a hand, "For today to happen, I have meticulously planned for a long time. Third young master Jun, do you dare to attend the fancy dinner I have prepared today?"

"Why wouldn't I dare?" Jun Yexuan fixed his collar and glared at him, "Since I dare to come, you think I'd be scared of your tricks? Lead the way."