I Spoil Him too Much

The firefox acted like it was a baby who needed comfort.

Qiao Qing, "..."

Gong Yi looked over to Qiao Qing and curled his lips deviously, "If Qingqing doesn't mind the fact that I once promised this animal to Mo Huan, then the animal's yours."

The firefox turned to look at Qiao Qing with an attitude that said, 'I dare you to say no'.

After it did that, it froze. How was it possible that it was understanding what these people were saying?

It then went back to stare at Qiao Qing's face. 

Its instinct said that this was all because of this girl.

Qiao Qing understood the little firefox's plea and eventually nodded, "Thanks."

The firefox then licked her face and swagged its tail. Afterward, it rubbed its head on Qiao Qing's neck to express her happiness. 

Everyone once again fell into awe.

Jun Yexuan's face darkened and walked over.

The firefox thought a stranger was attacking and bared its teeth as a warning.