Update 7

The voices grew louder. Some even took out their phones to sneak pictures. 

Everyone was used to being the center of attention and didn't seem to mind. After being greeted by the hostess, they went to their seats. 

When a waiter came to give them the menu, he spent a second too long looking at Qiao Qing.

Jun Yexuan's eyes narrowed, "You want me to gouge out your eyes?"

The waiter, "..."

To look at his own boss caused jealousy in this man?!

The waiter whined silently. Then respectfully, he asked his boss first, "Please order."

Jun Yexuan had no idea how Jing Li Xuan and Sky Entertainment's employees thought of him. 

He shoved the menu into Qiao Qing's hand, "Qingqing, order."

After Qiao Qing ordered the few dishes she wanted to inspect, she gave him back the menu.

After everyone ordered, the waiter asked the group to wait and left. 

Just then, a flowy and white silhouette stepped into the door.