Update 20

She saw the caller and once she picked up, she said, "Fifth brother?"

"What fifth brother?!" Qi Xingyou exploded, "I'm your sixth brother! Fifth brother wanted to video call but thought he wasn't dressed well enough. So like a weirdo, he went to change. I couldn't help but call first."

Qi Xingyou then said pitifully, "Sister, do you only see the fifth brother? How can you stare at my face and say 'fifth brother'?"

Qiao Qing, "..."

After a moment, she explained, "Sorry, I'm blind to faces."

Qi Xingyou, "...??!!"

"That means even though you've only been gone for two days, you've already forgotten how we look like?!"

He pointed at his own nose and his voice went an octave higher.

Qiao Qing was silent for a while before she said, "I never remembered them."

Qi Xingyou, "..."

Qi Chengyan heard this and joined the call, as if to prove that he was different, "Sister, you don't recognize me either?"

Qiao Qing looked lost.