Update 22

Qi Yusen coldly hissed, "You can use those lame excuses when you explain yourself to the Qi family. Let's wait and see if they'll listen. You can't even do this right and you got caught by them. It's useless to talk reasons with me. I'm not that easy to convince."

"I got it, brother," Jun Yexuan said, "I'll be more careful next time."

"Next time?!" Qi Yusen shouted, "If I find you sneaking into her room again, you will become an ex!"

Jun Yexuan, "..."

Qi Yusen's unforgiving face forced Jun Yexuan to look over to Qiao Qing for help.

Qiao Qing gently coughed and selectively looked past his stare, "I'm going to sleep."

Jun Yexuan, "..."

Could things get harder for him? Even his wife refused to help him out now?

For the next few days, Qiao Qing continued to diligently make her perfume. 

Qi Yusen and Jun Yexuan also gave up on the perfumer Queen.