Update 40

"You don't even need to ask. Ms. Xu is the most famous perfume mixer who's recognized internationally. If the number one competitor in the competition isn't her, then who is fitting to be the winner?"

"All these years, Ms. Xu's been the best in the perfume business."

Someone said, "Three years ago, she lost."

"Oh right! Three years ago, the winner of that competition was someone named Queen, who won with the product 'Wild Green'. But the mixer didn't show up personally."

Xu Pingting's facial expression quivered at this.

Someone added, "That mixer only showed up once, right? After that time, they just disappeared. 'Wild Green' was also discontinued. So the leader of the industry remains to be Ms. Xu!"

"That's right! Ms. Xu will be number one!"

"I'm sure Ms. Xu will win!"

"Ms. Xu, we believe in you!"

Xu Pingting listened to all this and shyly lowered her head.