Update 52

By the time they arrived, there were already plenty of people inside.

Since this competition was an international one, lots of participants came from abroad. 

Due to the fact that the first round was about teamwork, most teams were sent by their companies. 

Of course, there were some entrepreneurs who came with their small team. Some smaller creators even came as an individual without any teammates. 

At the front of the hall was a stage that was about 10m long and 3m wide. 

On the stage were a row of tables. Behind the tables sat around 10 judges. Based on their appearances, they too were from different countries.

Once it was time for the official start, a graceful and formally dressed MC walked up with a mic. 

"The competition hasn't officially started yet and I already smell all sorts of fragrances. Welcome, perfumers. You are the engineers of our fashion industry. Thank you for coming to our fragrance competition."