Update 56

One of the judges was confused, "Which girl?"

Zhang Heng, "Qiao Qing."

The judges sighed, "You think we'd go sniff the poison after the way you reacted? Why would we do that to ourselves?"

The other judges nodded.

Zhang Heng was in shock, "How I reacted? Didn't I…"

He paused. He was in shock back there and he could see how his reaction would have caused confusion.

He turned to the group and said in a serious tone, "I think I may have found the creator for 'Wild Green', Queen."

The judges widened their eyes.

"Are you for real? Where?!"

"No way you're referring to that girl? Queen is a young woman?"

"Didn't people say she used Spiritual Cotton Flower for her perfume? That's obviously an amateur move. How could she be the one who made 'Wild Green'?"

Zhang Heng shook his head, "I don't know how she did it, but the perfume she submitted today smelled familiar. It's for sure similar to Queen's 'Wild Green'."