Did You Make a Move on My Sister Without Informing Me

Qiao Qing acted as if she couldn't sense all the gazes on her. Without missing a beat, she walked forward.

When she arrived at the table, she placed the perfume in front of Zhang Heng.

Zhang Heng gave her a smile and sniffed the perfume.

Then, he handed it to the judge next to him.

Everyone at the scene exchanged glances and whispered, "Didn't he already smell that this morning? Why's he smelling it again?"

"Plus, didn't he walk out this morning because it smelled so bad? He dares to sniff at it another time? Is he a masochist?"

Just then, someone chimed in, "Look at how the judges are reacting!"

Everyone looked over and saw that the judges all widened their eyes after they smelled Qiao Qing's perfume. The looks of shock and awe were no different from how the judge reacted this morning.

At once, the group of perfumers felt lost.