You Travelled all the way here to give me a Chance?

"I guess if I must tell you something that I am helpless over, it would be the fact that you are in love with someone else and that I can no longer have you."

"This is why I sent people to help you instead of kidnapping you like Gong Yi."

"Because I am afraid that if I see you again, I wouldn't be able to let go. You traveled so far to come and see me, is it because you want to give me a chance?"

Jun Yexuan's face went dark again.

"Give you a chance?! In your dreams! Qingqing is mine and mine only!" He then looked over to Qiao Qing, "Qingqing, let's go! This person isn't worth a trip!"

Qiao Qing remained stoic. For some reason, something didn't sit well with her but she couldn't place her finger on it.

Logically, Feng Heng became different even after being respectable towards her for three years. For Leng Heng to act like this today after not seeing her for three years seemed to make sense.

But something just felt strange to her.