Why didn’t you tell me?!

Mu Jinghang was startled, "It was just here, by my foot! I only looked away for one second! It didn't follow us out?!"

Jun Yexuan said, "It's great that it escaped. I've been trying to get rid of that annoying thing!"

Just then, Mu Jinghang said, "Oh that's it coming over here. Wait, what's in its mouth?"

The little fox arrived before the group.

It opened its mouth and a white bottle dropped to the ground and rolled towards Qiao Qing.

The group lowered their heads to check out the bottle. Mu Jinghang asked, "What is this?"

Qiao Qing lifted an eyebrow and picked it up. When she saw what the label read, her pupils dilated.

"Where did you get this?!"

The firefox stuck out a paw and pointed behind them, "Ack, ack, ack!"

In the drawer of that big brother's bedroom!

He then paused and added.

The brother in the sweater!

Before it could finish, Qiao Qing was already running.