If You do that, I will Only Live the Rest of My Life in Pain

"But, young master…"

"Go," Leng Yan's eyes closed a little, "I'm tired."

Zhou Xin had to hold back what he wanted to say. After he exhaled deeply, he turned and left. 

After Zhou Xin left, Leng Yan opened his eyes again and lifted his blanket to get out of bed.

Since Zhou Xin had been instructed by Leng Yan, he went to take the will and the signed agreements from the safe. 

Down the stairs, he butted heads against Qiao Qing and the files in his hand dropped to the ground.

Zhou Xin was in shock. He bent down to pick up everything. 

Qiao Qing, however, beat him to it and looked at the agreement she thought she had seen wrong.

When she confirmed that the word on top said "Will", Qiao Qing's pupils constricted. The hand she used to hold the file shook. 

Zhou Xin extended his hands to try and snatch those back, "Mis. Qiao, you…"