You really think that I, Leng Yan, can Answer to Your Atrociousness with Kindness Forever?!

Because he moved his lips, he felt a shot of pain and he whimpered. 

"Yes!" Ma Xiayun finally got the message, "Those two people have been here since yesterday. That's when they beat up Leng Jie! At that time, you weren't even home!"

Jun Yexuan said without hesitation, "Ms. Ma, you don't even think of your lies beforehand. You can curse me to death all you want and now you're accusing third young master Jun and young master Qi."

Those two people came back with me today. How could they have beat up your son yesterday?!"

"Your son flirts with other men's women all day every day. It's normal for him to have gotten beat up. After all, whose shoes don't get damp when you walk along the river every day?"

"I will be telling young master Qi and Jun the accusations you're spreading around. If they want to give you a hard time, I have no reason to protect you."

Ma Xiaoyun, "..."

Leng Jie, "..."