But!! The Image he was Ruining was his Young Master’s!

Outside the study room, Qi Yusen started to walk away. The expression on his face was a conflicted one. It was like he was ready to greet his biggest enemy. 

He'd defended against Jun Yexuan this whole time but forgot the fact that that girl was easily touched and would always do something stupid when she felt grateful.

She was only 18 and she was ready to… give herself away?

The more Qi Yusen thought about it, the darker his face grew. A storm was coming. 

If Jun Yexuan was the one who tried to take advantage of his sister, he could use force to tell him to go away.

But the situation right now made him feel at loss.

After some time, he decided to go on WeChat and start a group chat. In the group, he included Qi Yunyan and Qi Chengyu. 

Ever since Qiao Qing made that promise to Jun Yexuan. Jun Yexuan had been excited and highly expectant.