The Brother Started to Brainwash

The next day, Qiao Qing went to the Yin Mountain with Qi Yusen.

Though they were supposed to go alone, many subordinates went with them.

These subordinates, however, all remained distant from the two. The leader of the pack had a wicker basket with him for the herbs.

They didn't get far when Qiao Qing came to the realization that asking Qi Yusen to come was a mistake.

Because of the strong sunlight, the snow on the ground had melted.

The ground was muddy mixed with melted snow, which made walking very difficult.

Qi Yusen wore his signature white suit and beige shoes. As he walked, he sank into the mud like lotus flowers. At every angle, he appeared out of place.

If she remembered correctly, he had a strong case of OCD. 

Qiao Qing looked at the frowning Qi Yusen and said in embarrassment, "Brother, why don't you go back to the car first? I don't have a lot to look for so it won't take me long."