Uncle Zhou, go get me a Laptop from Upstairs

It was so silent that a pin drop could be heard. However, this state didn't last long. Soon, Qiao Qing's voice pierced through, "Let me see the documents regarding this construction project."

Nobody at the scene reacted in time. So Qiao Qing repeated herself to Yu Mo, "Go get me the documents regarding this construction project."

"Huh?" Yu Mo heard it right this time and asked, "Ms. Qiao, why do you want that?"

As he asked, he took out the project documents from his briefcase. 

Jun Yexuan and Qi Yusen exchanged glances before they shifted their focus onto Qiao Qing.

Fang Chengshi didn't understand either so he stared at her.

Lu Zhixun was a little unsettled but she quickly denied her guesses.

She heard that Leng Yan was still looking for architects. If Qiao Qing knew how to do that, she would've done the job. Why would she wait until now?

The live stream viewers now all stared at Qiao Qing with curiosity.