Ms. Qiao, there’s now a Chance that the Young Master can be Saved, Right?

The fox was only anemic. Qiao Qing sighed in relief. 

In a hurry, she took out the emergency medical kit and stopped its wound from bleeding. 

The firefox curled up against Qiao Qing as Qiao Qing tended to its paws. 

The little fox could feel that its young owner was melting down so it lifted its head and tried to take advantage of this moment to make more demands. 

"Ack, ack, ack!"

Can I get a different name?

Qiao Qing paused, "What name?"

The firefox was excited to find its owner being easy to talk to at this moment!

"Ack, ack!"


This name was powerful and suitable. The fox took a long time to think of it. 

Qiao Qing's lips curled up, "Sure."

"Ack, ack, ack!"

I also want something nice to eat!

Qiao Qing nodded, "In the morning, I'll ask the kitchen to prepare for you."