Right now, Qingqing is Acting more like the Pork Hock

He felt something tighten around his neck followed by a hot kiss on his lips. Then the scent of sweetness and alcohol entered his nostrils. 

His instinct told him that his girl would never be this open. But the familiarity he craved stopped him from kicking out this unwelcomed guest. 

With one arm around this intruder, he turned on the light with his other hand.

Though he was prepared, when he met the gaze of that familiar pair of eyes, his heart tightened and he hugged onto the intruder tighter. 


His open lips gave the girl a chance to invade. 

The sleepiness in Jun Yexuan's eyes disappeared at once. Instead, his gaze started to look a little dangerous. 

After some time, he decided that his girl acted possessed because she drank alcohol.

His heart beated unevenly. Jun Yexuan grabbed Qiao Qing's hands, which played with his buttons. With his voice coarse, "Girl, who am I?"