What does Grandpa Wish I would do

Leng Yan nodded, "Third young master Jun, you're right. I learned from you."

However, before Jun Yexuan could respond, someone else dashed in to report, "Young master, the elder master is here."

Leng Yan froze, "Grandpa?"

Just then, an elderly entered.

Leng Qingshan walked in with a buddha pearl bracelet clutched in his hand. With the help of a butler who was not much younger than him, he staggered his way in.

On the couch, Jun Yexuan and Mu Jinghang exchanged glances. So that woman came prepared. She knew she had someone she could rely on. 

Leng Yan stood up, "Grandpa."

Zhou Xin was soon to follow despite the premonition he had, "Grandpa, how come you left the house?"

Grandpa Leng lost his wife young and never remarried. He then lost a son and a grandson.

Ever since Leng Chao and Leng Qi died, Leng Qingshan barely left his home.