Qingqing is a Great Girl

Since Qingqing said she was going, of course, Jun Yexuan and Qi Yusen would tag along. 

Luo Chen watched as the group was basically out the door, "What about me? Should I come as well?"

Mu Jinghang patted his head, "Brother, you should stay home and be safe. An underground casino isn't suitable for someone as young as you. With Red home with you, you have nothing to be afraid of."

Luo Chen, "..."

Qingqing wasn't exactly older than him?

The firefox, "..."

It's repeatedly told them to stop calling it that!

Plus, it had to stay with the boy who called it a pig?!

In the end, Luo Chen and the fox were left behind while the others got into the car. 

Qiao Qing of course sat between Qi Yusen and Jun Yexuan like the white part of an oreo.

Because of what grandpa Leng had said, the atmosphere in the car was slightly tense. 

Qiao Qing was in a daze, it was hard to tell what she was thinking about.