Didn’t I say I wanted to Check Out the Casino?

Just as the men were about to move, Leng Yan stopped them, "There's no need."

He didn't want to stay here for another second. He turned to Qiao Qing and said, "Let's go."

Qiao Qing nodded and headed out with Leng Yan. 

Cao Hong sat down in his seat and drank his tea. 

His friend who wore an ancient robe said, "Boss Cao sure gets his cash quickly! In one night, you managed to earn ten billion from one guy!"

Cao Hong started to chuckle, "It's all thanks to that doormat who has to support him no matter what!"

His other friend, who had a cigarette in his mouth, said, "I have always wondered why Leng Yan continues to help Leng Jie. He's managed the company well, which means he's not exactly dumb."

The other friend chimed in, "That's what I'm saying. Even if they have the same parents, nobody would clean up after his mess like this. They don't even share the same mother! If it were me, I would've shunned that mother and son a long time ago!"