I can find out how much Cash you have here once I Rampage Through it

His words once again caused the crowd to go nuts.

Some people furiously reminded, "Ms. Qiao, don't fall for it! He says he owes you, but he'd never pay you the rest!"

"Exactly! That is an old trick in the casino's playbook!"

"If they don't have cash, how could they be allowing this many chips to be played here today?"

Cao Hong was furious. He snapped his head around and glared at those who spoke, "You guys seem to know more than me, the manager, of how much cash we have around!"

Those who spoke stopped after they were yelled at. 

Though they felt the situation was unfair for Qiao Qing since she was the weaker party, they couldn't afford to offend Cao Hong. 

However, they had no idea that Qiao Qing was never the weaker party. 

She tapped one chip against the table and curved her lips, "I can find out how much cash you have here once I rampage through it."

Jun Yexuan chuckled with her, "Jinghang, go get our men."