How's that my Problem?

Mu Jinghang saw the gun Yin Lei passed over and was stunned. 

He remembered seeing this gun somewhere but he couldn't remember where. 

Yin Lei continued, "Do you see this? This gun is designed by that Gun God. I had to work so hard to find this."

"This gun alone outcompetes all the other submachine guns in the market. Its accuracy level is basically a miracle. Based on what I've heard, this is the least impressive gun designed by the Gun God."

"If the messages Country Ruan sent out were true and that the Gun God is now on their side, then the Country of Summer is in danger."

"We need to get on the good side of the Xia family. Without the weapons provided by the Xia family, we have nothing to use to fight against Country Ruan."

"You made Houshang lose face today. You're lucky she likes you and didn't give you a hard time. You better apologize for your behavior and try to improve your relationship."