You don't even know how much I like you

"What are you talking about?! Who allowed you to talk about yourself like this?! You were only a child back then. All the mistakes were made by the generation before you. What does any of it have anything to do with you?!"

Only then did Jun Yexuan find the courage to look up to her face. His expression almost appeared possessed, "I was almost tainted by a man. Qingqing, don't you find me dirty? Don't you mind how dirty I.. Uh…"

Qiao Qing had wrapped her arms around him and kissed him in order to stop him from talking down on himself.

Scared by Qiao Qing's passion, Jun Yexuan was too stunned to speak. He stayed frozen and allowed her to do whatever she wanted. 

After some time, Qiao Qing pressed her forehead against his and tried to even out her breath. 

"Jun Yexuan, how do you view me? You see me as someone who's unable to identify right from wrong? I want to kill those who hurt you. Why would I ever find you gross?"