Who said He was Poisoned with an Incurable Toxin? I could’ve Saved Him

"Also, the person inside is dead. Yet you are all thinking about proving yourselves right?! How do you live with yourselves?!"

Mu Jinghang, "..."

Jun Yexuan and the others, "..."

Just then, the crying middle-aged woman dashed out and grabbed Xia Houshang's shirt. Like a madwoman, she screamed, "Give me back my son! Give me back my son!"

Xia Houshang's frown was so deep it could squish a fly, "Let me go!"

"Give me back my son! You're a scam! You said you could save my son so why is he dead?! Tell me! How come my son wasn't saved?!"

Xia Houshang tried to pull her hand away as she yelled back in annoyance, "When did I say I could save your son?! I simply agreed to try and help him. I never promised you that I could cure him. No doctor would make that promise. Your son was in critical condition and there was nothing I could've done!"

She was honestly very overwhelmed and didn't do much in the operating room.